Smart sanitation is based on the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, multi-dimensional GIS integration, mobile Internet, GPS / Beidou and other technologies, real-time visual management of the whole process of people, vehicles, things and things involved in sanitation management. The construction of sanitation promotes the innovation of sanitation production, life and management methods, solves the problems faced in the development of sanitation, improves the quality of sanitation operations, reduces the operating costs of sanitation, realizes automated, standardized, standardized, and refined management, and uses Internet + sanitation and big data Management effectiveness.
Smart sanitation solution, providing the whole process of quantitative, refined, and visual information solutions for environmental sanitation management of government and enterprises, comprehensively covering road cleaning operations, domestic garbage collection and transportation operations, overall solutions for smart waste classification, and integrated urban and rural sanitation , Waste treatment facility supervision, smart public toilet supervision, restaurant and kitchen garbage supervision, bulky garbage supervision, construction garbage supervision, electronic garbage supervision, medical garbage supervision, environmental sanitation operation quality supervision evaluation, dynamic supervision of environmental sanitation events, decision engine support, environmental sanitation big data The whole process customization scheme of sanitation business such as the center. Through the construction of a smart sanitation system, the complicated urban environmental sanitation management can be organized and refined, which can more quickly and effectively deal with various routine and emergencies, and make the urban environmental sanitation management more scientific, reasonable, and standardized. .
Smart Sanitation Cloud Platform
Android / IOS mobile sanitation real-time management
Real-time event alarm, visual location monitoring, quick command and dispatch, efficient data statistics