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    Guidelines for the prevention and control of new coronavirus infection



    (一) What is a new coronavirus?

    Coronavirus isolated from the lower respiratory tract of patients with unexplained pneumonia in Wuhan is a new coronavirus named WHO-2019-nCoV.

    (二) Who is susceptible to new coronaviruses?

    Common infection in the crowd: New coronavirus-infected pneumonia can occur among both immunocompromised and normal immunocompetent people, and is related to the amount of virus exposure. For people with poor immune function, such as the elderly, pregnant women, or liver and kidney dysfunction, there are chronic patient groups, and the disease is more serious after infection.

    (三) What are the routes of transmission of the new coronavirus?

    The main modes of transmission are via droplet transmission, contact transmission (including self-vaccination caused by hand contamination) and close-range transmission of respiratory aerosols of different sizes. At present, close-range droplet transmission should be the main route.

    (四) Will the new coronavirus be passed on from person to person?

    New coronaviruses can be passed from person to person. Judging from the order of incidence of some clustered cases, the characteristics of person-to-person transmission are very obvious, and there is a certain range of community transmission.

    (五) What is droplet transmission?

    Droplets: It is generally believed that water-containing particles with a diameter> 5um, drops can enter the susceptible mucosal surface through a certain distance (generally 1 meter).

    The generation of droplets:

    (1) Cough, sneeze or talk;

    (2) Carry out invasive operations of the respiratory tract, such as sputum suction or endotracheal intubation, turning over, patting the back, etc. during coughing and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

    (六) What is contact transmission?

    Direct contact: Pathogens spread through direct contact with mucous membranes or skin.

    1. Blood or bloody body fluids enter the human body through mucous membranes or damaged skin;

    2. Direct contact with secretions containing certain pathogens causes transmission.

    (七) What are close contacts?

    Refers to people who have lived or worked with a confirmed or highly suspected case of the virus within 14 days.

    Including colleagues in the office, colleagues in the same dormitory, the same transportation, etc. As well as other forms of direct contact, including the accompany of virus-infected patients, taking a taxi, and taking an elevator.

    (八) Notes for close contacts

    All people who may be in contact with suspected infected patients (including medical personnel) should have a 14-day health observation period. The observation period starts from the last day of contact with the patient. Seek medical attention as soon as any symptoms appear, especially fever, respiratory symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, or diarrhea!

    (九) What are the clinical manifestations of patients with pneumonia infected by new coronavirus?

    The onset of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus is mainly manifested by fever. It may be combined with mild dry cough, fatigue, poor breathing, diarrhea and other symptoms. Runny nose, sputum and other symptoms are rare. Some patients have mild onset symptoms, but no fever, only manifested as headache, palpitation, chest tightness, conjunctivitis, mild muscle pain in the limbs or lower back. Some patients developed dyspnea after one week, and in severe cases the disease progressed rapidly. Most patients have a good prognosis, and a few patients are critically ill or even die.

    (十) The main prevention and control measures of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus

    • Precautions for contact and spray: wash hands frequently and wear masks when going out;

    • Room ventilation;

    • Cleaning and disinfection: The new coronavirus is sensitive to heat. Soaking in 56 ° C hot water for 30 minutes, 75% alcohol, chlorine-containing disinfectant, chloroform and other lipid solvents can effectively inactivate the virus.


    A) Wash your hands

    1. How to protect yourself from the pneumonia infection of the new coronavirus?

    (1) Wash hands frequently. Use soap or hand soap and wash your hands with running water. Wipe your hands with disposable paper towels or clean towels. Wash hands immediately after touching hands with respiratory secretions (eg after sneezing).

    (2) Maintain good respiratory hygiene habits. When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or towel. Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands.

    (3) Enhance physical fitness and immunity. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and work regularly to avoid excessive fatigue.

    (4) Keep the environment clean and ventilated. Open the window every day for not less than 3 times, 20-30 minutes each time. When the outdoor air quality is poor, the frequency and time of ventilation should be appropriately reduced.

    (5) Minimize activities in crowded places and avoid contact with patients with respiratory infections.

    (6) If symptoms of respiratory tract infections such as cough, runny nose, fever, etc., you should rest in isolation at home, seek medical treatment as soon as the fever persists or the symptoms worsen.

    2、The role of hand washing in preventing respiratory tract diseases

    Hand washing is one of the most effective measures to prevent diarrhea and respiratory tract infections. Authorities such as the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO and the US CDC recommend that soap and water (running water) be used to wash hands.

    3、Proper hand washing requires mastering six steps of hand washing:

    The first step: rub your hands with your palms (five hands rub together ten times);

    Step 2: Cross your hands and wash your finger joints (the palms of your hands and your backs, your hands are crossed and your left and right hands are exchanged for five times);

    The third step: rub the finger joints with the palm of the hand (the palm of the hand is interlaced with ten fingers, and rub five times);

    Step 4: Rub your palms with your fingertips, the left and right hands are the same (fingertips are placed on the palms to rub each other five times);

    Step 5: Hold the thumb of the other hand and scrub, and rub the left and right hands the same for five times;

    Step 6: Bend your fingers so that the joint rotates and kneads in the palm of your other hand.

    4、When do I need to wash my hands?

    (1) After coughing or sneezing;

    (2) Before, during and after preparing food;

    (3) Before eating;

    (4) After going to the toilet;

    (5) When the hands are dirty;

    (6) After contacting others;

    (7) After contact with animals;

    (9) After returning home.

    5、What should I do if I cannot wash my hands?

    You can use alcohol-based disinfection products to clean your hands. 75% alcohol can inactivate viruses. If alcohol is used for disinfection, keep away from fire sources such as cigarette butts and pay attention to the occurrence of fire.

    (二)Wear a mask

    1. The darker color of the mask is the front, and the front should face outward, and some masks have metal strips for nose clips.

    2. The face that is facing the face should be the reverse side of the mask, that is, the lighter side. In addition, pay attention to the part with the metal strip above the mask, and don't wear it backwards.

    3. After clearly distinguishing the front, back, upper and lower sides of the mask, wash your hands first to make sure the mask is correct, and then hang the cords on both ends on your ears.

    4. The last step is also the aforementioned metal strip problem. After wearing the mask, you need to use both hands to press the metal strips on both sides of the nose bridge so that the upper end of the mask is close to the nose bridge, and then stretch the mask down so that the mask does not Wrinkles are left and it is best to cover the nose and mouth.

    (三)Home protection

    1、How to prevent pneumonia infection of new coronavirus at home?

    (1) Enhance health awareness, proper exercise, sleep protection, and not staying up late can improve self-immunity;

    (2) Maintain good personal hygiene habits. Cover your mouth and nose with tissues when coughing or sneezing. Always wash your hands thoroughly without touching your eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands;

    (3) The rooms should be ventilated and kept clean and tidy;

    (4) Try to avoid close contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory diseases (such as fever, cough or sneezing, etc.);

    (5) Try to avoid crowded and confined spaces. If you must go, wear a mask;

    (6) Avoid contact with wild animals, poultry and livestock;

    (7) Adhere to a safe eating habit, meat and eggs should be cooked and cooked thoroughly;

    (8) Pay close attention to symptoms such as fever and cough. If you have such symptoms, you must seek medical treatment in a timely manner.

    2、When we infected by a new coronavirus, how should we eat?

    (1) Do not eat animals and their products that are already sick; purchase chilled poultry meat from regular channels, and fully cook them when eating poultry meat and egg milk.

    (2) Separate cutting boards and knives for handling raw and cooked food. Wash your hands between handling raw and cooked food.

    (3) Even in areas where the epidemic occurs, if meat is thoroughly cooked and properly handled during food preparation, it can be safely consumed.

    3、How to prevent pneumonia infection of new coronavirus in public places?

    (1) Avoid contact with farm animals or wild animals without protection.

    (2) When coughing or sneezing, completely cover your nose with a tissue or sleeves or elbows; throw the used tissues into the closed trash bin immediately; after coughing or sneezing, wash with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer Hands.

    (3) Wash your hands in time after going home. If you have fever and other respiratory tract infection symptoms, especially if your fever persists, go to the hospital in time.

    (4) All kinds of gatherings should be avoided during the epidemic season.

    4、How to prevent the pneumonia infection of the new coronavirus in the fresh market?

    (1) After contact with animals and animal products, wash hands with soap and water;

    (2) Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth;

    (3) Avoid contact with sick animals and diseased meat;

    (4) Avoid contact with stray animals and waste water in the market.

    三、Medical treatment

    (一)When to seek medical treatment

    The main clinical manifestations of patients with pneumonia infected by new coronavirus are fever and fatigue. The respiratory symptoms are dry cough and gradually have difficulty in breathing. The severe cases are acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, metabolic acidosis and coagulation that are difficult to correct disfunction. Some patients have mild onset symptoms but no fever. Most patients are moderate to mild, with a good prognosis, and a few patients are critically ill or even die. If you have fever, fatigue, or dry cough, it does not mean that you have been infected. However, if (1) fever (armpit temperature ≥ 37.3 ° C), cough, shortness of breath, etc., acute respiratory infection symptoms; (2) and have travel or residence history in Wuhan, or have been exposed to a fever partner from Wuhan within 14 days before onset Patients with respiratory symptoms may have a small-scale clustering disease; they should go to a local designated medical institution for investigation, diagnosis and treatment.

    (二)Precautions during medical treatment

    1. If the contact person has symptoms, choose a designated hospital with a hot clinic in advance.

    2. You should wear a mask on the way to the hospital and throughout the medical treatment.

    3. Avoid taking public transportation, call an ambulance or use a private vehicle to transport the patient, and if possible, open the window on the road.

    4. Sick close contacts should always maintain respiratory hygiene and clean hands. When standing or sitting on the road and the hospital, stay away from other people as much as possible (at least 1 meter).

    5. Any surface contaminated by respiratory secretions or body fluids should be cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant containing diluted bleach.

    6. When you go to the doctor, you should tell the truth about the illness and the process, especially the doctor ’s recent travel and living history in Wuhan, the contact history of pneumonia patients or suspected patients, and animal contact history.